US Civil Subpoena Policy
This information is intended only for United States litigants.
Our Civil Subpoena Policy (link below) governs only the processing of subpoenas, court orders, depositions by written questions, or other legal process issued in civil litigation matters to which our companies (see list in sec. 1.1) is a non-party and in which customer-related information concerning 1 or more phone numbers is sought from the Company. Please note that we only accept service as outlined in sec. 3 — we do not consent to service to any email address.
Please note that our Civil Subpoena Policy document contains internal links to cross-referenced sections of the document, but such links (red underlined cross-references to a section number) may not be visible to all browsers. Even if the link is not apparent, you should still see your cursor change as you move it over a cross-reference (e.g., “…see Sec. 3.3”) that contains a link. If you then click at this point, it will jump you to the noted section. You can still scroll up and down the document after jumping to the linked section.
Information for submitting third-party civil subpoenas
View the Civil Subpoena Policy
Checklist form ONLY for use by civil litigants submitting third-party civil subpoenas