Extend your diversity and reach to keep your customers well connected

Upgrade your network by moving from one connectivity protocol to another, interconnecting with major carriers and integral PSTN partners, future-proofing your 911 solution, or extending your number porting range.

As a trusted provider, we smoothly deployed the largest and most successful PSTN replacement network in the U.S. — from TDM to IP. We're extraordinarily proficient with network diversity, codecs, VoLTE operations, project management, provisioning, and implementation. 

Improve your interconnections and competitiveness — nuisance free

We have you covered when it comes to seamless access across the U.S. with interconnectivity to a single ubiquitous and robust network. With Sinch PSTN Connect, we save you from the complexity and cost of building or maintaining your own infrastructure all while increasing your service levels to business customers. We also offer a host of feature-rich voice services, which will let you boost your Internet service revenue stream.

We keep it simple to transition to a compliant all-IP network

Stop maintaining your TDM network and managing multiple carriers to route your long distance or access traffic. We offer greater diversity over conventional access tandems and simplify the migration from traditional switching equipment. Our comprehensive and STIR/SHAKEN-compliant IP voice calling saves you money on transport to RBOC access and local tandems.

We transport all inbound and outbound calls via diverse SIP connections. You'll maintain the carrier benefits of  obtaining numbers directly from the number portability administration center (NPAC) or providing your own local number porting (LNP) and 911 services if desired.

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PSTN minutes routed annually


T-1s supporting PSTN routing


markets with live customer traffic


ILEC connections

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Nationwide coverage

We implemented the largest, most successful nationwide IP migration — full coverage supporting PSTN connection in 189 LATAs

Expand free of charge

Sinch PSTN Connect allows for unlimited growth with no up-front expansion costs

Save money

Replace fixed costs with variable ones! Without TDM, you'll lower capital expenses, stabilize costs and optimize headcount

All yours — access billing revenues

Reduce fixed costs with Sinch's switched backhaul network and trouble resolution process

IP Connect

Amp up direct connections, optimize your infrastructure, and deliver next-level rich voice and video connectivity. You'll enjoy a seamless transition and smooth sailing all the way to the best possible customer experience.

Voice services

Get a complete voice solution from one provider, with unsurpassed quality through a single connection — and limitless reach

IPES Support

Get seamless access to an all-IP connection with all the IPES carrier benefits


Fight back against robocalls, increase call answer rates, and build consumer trust. We offer hosted call authentication to support your efforts. 

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Talk to a PSTN Connect expert and let us help you replace your legacy TDM connections!

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