Make sure you’re always in the know with numbers
Number Lookup services available, depending on your market
Improve communication with validated and verified numbers
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Got questions? We've got answers!
How do I perform a number check/lookup?
Get in touch with us directly and, depending on your use case, we can do it for you. We can also perform Enhanced Number Lookup in North America.
Note that if you already use Sinch messaging services, we already check numbers for you.
What information can I get from a number lookup?
Performing a number lookup identifies the network that a mobile phone number belongs to. This enables accurate SMS and/or voice call routing.
Extended Real-Time Lookup identifies whether a number is in service. This can help clean up databases by deleting numbers no longer in use.
Can Real-Time Lookup be used to identify a customer's location?
Not really. However granular a location, revealing a location without the consent of the end user can put them at risk. In most cases, mobile operators protect their customers and block this information from being available. There are still a few countries where revealing the in-country network the end user is connected to can identify if the end user is outside their home country.
What is the difference between Real-Time and Number Portability Lookup?
Real-Time Lookup can provide details on the status of a mobile phone number – information on whether it’s active or inactive and which network the number is assigned to. Number Portability Lookup will only provide details on which network the number is assigned to. For some regions, only a real-time lookup is available.
When should I use Real-Time Lookup and when should I use Number Portability Lookup?
Real-Time and Number Portability Lookup are two different kinds of back-end services. Real-Time Lookup presents live information on mobile phone status. Number Portability Lookup uses mainly databases that hold information purely on which network a phone is subscribed to. Number Portability Lookup is generally faster and has broader coverage.
What is Enhanced Number Lookup?
Enhanced Number Lookup is a robust value-add service that removes the complexity of subscriber information and authentication services, providing additional details when requesting number lookup data. Through access with one single account, you can get information on network, type of number, sponsor network, home network identity with port-corrected information, and more, in virtually any country where this service is enabled. Get in touch with us to learn more!
Is Sinch an authorized reseller of the number lookup services in North America?
Yes. In the U.S. and Canada, Sinch is licensed as a reseller to provide queried data for sale unless the functionality is expressly limited to call routing function.
Is Sinch’s Number Lookup service fully redundant?
We have gone to great lengths to ensure redundancy and resiliency of our number lookup services. We have multiple application nodes in each datacenter, sufficient throughput to service the number of queries based on historical data, regular operational reviews of volumes, and geographic redundancy in case of any regional outages.