A Port Order Number (PON) is an identifier specifying a port order request. The PON works alongside a letter of authorization (LOA) to conduct a number porting procedure.
The PON is an automatically generated order number telephony customers can use to identify their port orders in case they need to contact their carriers.
Why should you care about Port Order Numbers?
Number portability first began in 1996 through the Federal Communication Commission’s Telecommunications Act in an attempt to boost competition in the otherwise stagnant telephony industry and to increase the number of available phone numbers.
This important legislation guaranteed the right for subscribers to move their services to other carriers while still keeping their original phone numbers.
Local exchange carriers (LECs) across the country must comply with the Telecommunications Act by relinquishing control of phone numbers for other LECs to use. They must also provide technical support to ensure a smooth number portability process.
Many telephony customers and especially businesses want to switch carriers for various reasons, ranging from:
- Finding a better deal elsewhere, such as better pricing or a more elaborate feature set from another vendor.
- Consolidating the budget by combining all telephony procurement into fewer vendors.
- Experiencing issues with a previous vendor, such as poor customer service or poor call quality and reliability.
Most of these subscribers want to change carriers without changing phone numbers, as it can be frustrating for employees, business partners, and customers to update their contact information. Also, businesses already have their previous phone numbers on advertisements and across other channels.
The PON helps both carriers track the status of the port order while the customer can check on the status with this identifier.
The number portability administration center (NPAC), the government agency overseeing number portability within the United States, collaborates closely with both carriers to facilitate the port order.
What are the benefits of Port Order Numbers?
Port Order Number (PON), as a unique identifier, lets customers to track the status of their port order requests. PONs also allow carriers to communicate and coordinate with each other, improving the efficiency and quality of the number portability service. Customers can use PONs to compare and choose the best carrier for their needs, as they can access different rates, plans, and features from different carriers using their PONs. PONs can also help customers to switch to a different carrier if they are not satisfied with their current one or cancel their port order request if they change their mind about their chosen provider.
How does Sinch work with Port Order Numbers?
Number porting doesn’t have to be hard with the right partner. Sinch makes it easy for you to port existing numbers, obtain new ones, and modify your services – our robust customer portal and APIs make porting requests simple. See why 8/10 of the top tech companies have partnered with us. Get in touch with our team today to explore our voice services.