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Thriving as a Digital Service Provider

Thriving as a Digital Service Provider
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The world is currently witnessing the explosive growth of digital services, such as Skype, Twitter and Facebook, that use mobile connectivity to bring value to their users. In this changing market landscape, much has been said about the need for traditional communication service providers, including Operators and MVNOs, to evolve into Digital Service Providers (DSP) to allow their customers a superior full service experience.

In this blog post, we aim to give a short overview of key characteristics of a DSP, the key capabilities needed to succeed in today's markets, and provide an introduction to how Symsoft can help you achieve these.

So what is a DSP?

  • Customer interactions with the DSP occur online in the majority of cases, and are mediated by software
  • Customers interact with the DSP using the channels that they prefer
  • Customers have real-time information about the status of their services and account
  • Customers have real-time customer control of the characteristics of their service
  • The service provider offers services that are customised for customer micro-segments, or even personalised to an individual, often involving content or functions from partner suppliers.

Why become a DSP?

We believe in the power of the customer and the improvement of the customer’s experience is what ultimately drives real value in this industry.

We also believe in the need to create customer experiences that span new digital services as well as the digitalisation of traditional services. While innovation is primarily taking place in the digital domain, customers still want to control and customise their voice and messaging services over digital interfaces.

Key capabilities of a DSP

In the report mentioned above, Analysys Mason also identifies key capabilities of a DSP. Figure 1. illustrates these capabilities together with examples of how Symsoft enables them to help you succeed as a DSP.

Figure 1: Symsoft enabling the critical capabilities of a DSP

How Symsoft helps you realise your DSP strategy

We believe strongly in the empowerment of the end-user – the customer. He or she wants, needs and deserves full control of their engagement with their service provider and only a service provider with a DSP mindset can meet the modern consumers’ demands. Controlling the online experience starts with creating the product, continues to the experience of that product and goes through the evolution of the product in a never ending-iterative innovation process.

Symsoft has been in the forefront of the digital evolution of Communication Service Providers for over 25 years and its outstanding communication solutions are in use by global operators and enterprises alike. Symsoft is the enabler of the online experience and offer a full stack of products in our Real-time BSS product area that is unrivaled in the industry in its consolidated approach to GSM, LTE and WiFi network architectures and protocols. As veterans in the industry we know that legacy and future technologies need to go hand in hand for the promise of Digital to be accessible to everyone.

Want to learn more about how we can help you succeed as a DSP? Contact us!

Originally posted on www.symsoft.com, find out more about Symsoft’s rebrand to Sinch in the press release here.