Rich, reimagined conversations

Say hello to engaging experiences. Add images, audio, video, carousels, and interactive buttons to grab customers’ attention.

Never compromise on safety

Only verified companies can use RCS. Deliver secure experiences with verified messaging, end-to-end encryption, brand logo and build trust.

Reach them without hassles

Messages from verified brands land straight into native messaging inbox. Get set for app-like experiences. No downloads required.

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It's called "Rich" Communication Services for a reason

Stand out from the competition with advanced two-way customer conversations right in customer SMS inboxes.

Nissan handset demo
picture of girl on mobile phone with emojis

Engaging interactions tailored for every customer

Send personalized, multilingual notifications on their preferred channel via Conversation API and garner up to 10x higher open rates than other channels.

Pave way for happier customers

Extend brand experience outside of the native application and see them coming back for more!

Richer experiences at reduced costs

Reduced maintenance and support compared to an application infrastructure

Security first

Fosters customer trust which in turn increases engagement

Guaranteed fallback mechanism

For phones and networks that do not support RCS, turn messages into a web experience over SMS

Powerful analytics

Benefit from a significantly more granular view of customer interactions and responses, enabling brands to evolve and optimize their messaging

Know your customer better than before

Omnichannel conversation API pulls out relevant details from stored chats and analytics to let you weave a personalized experience

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Illustration magnifying glass

Frequently asked questions

Explore more products

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Send and receive text messages at scale through a single connection
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Enrich your business - get started with RCS

illustration of girl giving peace sign with rainbow icon